Saturday 20 October 2007

Why we need god? (Contd...1)

So am I searching god for satisfying my intellectual curiosity, may be yes. If this being the case, what am I trying to achieve? An Answer may not be. Will a honest attempt in the journey of undiscovering god phenomenon be of help to guide similar doubters, a big yes.

God Segments

God can be approached in three main angles, i.e. sociological, emotional and spiritual.

God does a great deal to the society. He bounds billions of people together; he exists in different flavors and does or doesn’t do a great deal of stuff. Lot of ordinary men’s hope of life is guided by the unquestioned existence of god. They just move ahead in their life hoping that god will wave his magic wand one day and help solving their miseries of life.

This segment is very poor economically and typically exhibits highest order of faith, second segment is the one which has got a basic security in life and hopes to join further rich segments, and here also he plays a vital role as he may further help them grow or punish them for any disobedience.

The third segment is the richer segment, this is same like the poorer segment and is equally desperate to impress god to grow richer and to retain all the worldly goods that they have collected over the years
These social segments predominantly believe in god for their material existence.

Emotional, this segment is a bit weird one and this segment tries to seek a solace in god for something which is non materialistic but yet not spiritual. Spirituality is a holy grail for this segment and they seek happiness through the Spiritual brokers who have easier access to the god.

Spiritual segment is a very interesting segment and this has more access to knowledge about and god himself in many a cases. Classical examples of this segment are Jesus, Buddha, Allah, ancient gurus who claim super power etc. This is the critical segment to observe as this segment defines god and people predominantly go by their word.

So why do they do it? Why only a few get enlightened to do this job for others? Who are this chosen few and why only few are chosen.

I believe this segment is dominated by those who are more intellectual than other and has an natural aura to influence knowingly or unknowingly. Did the earlier occupants of this category named god for the sake of lesser mortals understand something which they cannot comprehend?
Was god a convenient name given to a collection of concepts and sets of laws that people have to obey? Were they the critical influencers?

For long, the society has always been seeking answers to questions that it cant rationalize and comprehend. Human mind always wanders for guidance, starting from the days when we started wandering in the deep forests among the animals, by the virtue of survival we always wanted to be guided.

To be able to increase the probability of survival, men always moved in herds. When he got matured and started knowing things, the mental survival in a jungle of emotional distress sought a solace. He was searching for a safe boat to cross from non clarity to clarity. This was well utilized by the cleverer intellectuals of the ancient time who offered to sail them across and presented them a magical formula “GOD”.

There are two possibilities here, one is the cleverer intellectuals were honest and offered people something they found by chance or hard work or intuitions (several words really compete here) and it was true. Second case is that the cleverer intellectuals were duping, in any case it is not going to be helpful to go deep into how it originated as it may not help dealing with our case now.

God : Is a well sold brand by clever sales men?

The real critical success for Gods success in human life is the continuous selling, branding, re branding him as a concept. Certain versions of god sold really well and certain others didn’t and this was predominantly determined by which society sold which form of god. A further dissection of the same would require deeper understand of religion and it causes which is far beyond the scope of this and moreover Religion is a natural extension of the central theme around it (typically a or few or many gods in different forms).

An interesting analysis would be how different religions give forms to the gods: Let’s stick the major religions that existed and exist currently <>

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